Tony Lashbrook, Rick Holliday, Will Fleissig, Patrick Wright, Charles Long, Mary Lydon, Jim Mayer, Kate Meis, Fred Silva – and a host of civic leaders throughout California and the west.
Darin Dinsmore is the founder of Crowdbrite and Buildbrite. He's been working with the California Forward infrastructure action team to help develop new finance tools for municipalities to help implement their projects. Working collaboratively they have launched as an online resource to connect communities to capital. We are Beta Testing new tool born out of the EPA Infill work in Fresno - His team has also been working on [UN]shelving city planning documents and helping to activate & implement them. His projects have recently been featured in Fast Company magazine.
New tools to Revitalize our Communities
Civic Accelerator participants will learn about new tools and techniques for revitalizing communities. These include finance tools such as enhanced infrastructure finance districts and how these may prime the pump for reinvestment in our communities. New approaches and technologies for unshelving & activating city plans will also be explored. Lastly new online tools to help implement plans and generate place-based economic development will be explored. New technologies are connecting communities to new capital for community revitalization, infrastructure projects and public-private partnerships.